Wednesday 14 January 2015

Oat Bran Muffins

Oat Bran Muffins

Just seen this recipe on the WW boards, so it's not mine and I haven't tried it, but I thought it would be a good idea to post it here.

Pro Points Plan - 6pp each large/3pp each small 
F&H Plan - 0pp each 

Makes 10 small or 6 medium muffins 

225g/8oz Oat Bran 
1-2 tbsp sweetener 
1 apple chopped 
1 carrot grated 
(use berries if preferred) 
1tsp each of ginger, cinnamon, 
Nutmeg (optional) 
1 large egg white lightly beaten 
170ml skimmed milk 
15ml/1Tbsp baking powder 

Heat oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7 
Grease patty pan with fry lite 
Mix dry ingredients 
Add liquids and fruit. 
Mix well 
Spoon into patty pans. 
Bake for about 15 mins. 
Loosen and remove 

Made in a similar way are:

Again, I haven't tried them.  Just bake them in a tray instead of muffin tins

Fruity Oat Fingers 

Pro Points Plan - 2pp per serving 
F&H Plan - 0pp per serving 

Serves 12 

280g porridge oats 
2 ripe bananas, mashed 
1 eating apple, grated 
1 punnet blueberries 
1 egg, beaten 
3 dessertspoonfuls sweetener 
teaspoon cinnamon 

A word of warning.  If you make these do be careful how many you eat in one sitting.  Although they are F & H you need to be careful with things like this where oat bran or oats are used instead of flour.  If they affect your weight loss, stop eating as many.  Remember to be sucessful, eat until satisfied not Christmas Day stuffed.

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